Upcoming Events

  1. 13 May
    KUISA and Int'l Degree-seeking student Sports Day

    KUISA is organizing international students' sports day on May 13th (Sunday) at Nokjee Sports Field.

  2. 13 Apr
    (Deadline) Lotte Duty Free-Mediheal Global Ambassador Scholarship application

    Lotte Duty Free-Mediheal Global Ambassador Scholarship application deadline is April 13th, 4 pm.

  3. 2 Apr
    (마감) 2018학년도 재한 일본인 장학생 모집

    2018.3.23(금) - 2018.4.2(월) 오전 11시까지 글로벌서비스센터 방문 접수 (중앙광장 B1, 104A호) ※ 자세한 내용은 Announcements 또는 포털(KUPID) - 장학금 공지사항에서 확인 가능

  4. 30 Mar
    (Final Deadline) Proof of Insurance Submission

    Final deadline for insurance submission is March 30th. (can submit in person or by email with your name and student ID number)

  5. 26 Mar
    Lotte Duty Free-Mediheal Global Ambassador Scholarship (additional recruitment)

    Lotte Duty Free-Mediheal Global Ambassador Scholarship application period is from 2018.3.26(Mon) to 2018.4.13(Fri) 4 pm. Please refer to the notice at Announcements or scholarship notice on portal(KUPID) for more information about the scholarship.