About Korea University

Korea University, founded in 1905, is widely acknowledged as one of the country’s oldest, largest and the most prestigious universities in Korea. Its reputation for quality is based on excellence in teaching, research and service to Korean society. Eminent faculty, outstanding students and internationally recognized research programs all contribute to Korea University’s academic fame. As a major comprehensive university, KU offers a rich variety of courses in liberal arts and sciences as well as in all professional fields, including law, medicine and business administration.

In accordance with KU’s vision, ‘Opening the Future, Leading the Future, Creating the Future’ and KU’s education goal, ‘To encourage the holistic growth of intelligent, spiritual and active potential, nurture capabilities for creative academic study and professional practice, and foster open-minded leadership contributing to the international community’, KU strives to take the lead in creating a new future by developing knowledge that can change and lead our society and the world.

Over the past several years, we have seen a dramatic increase in both the number of courses offered in English and in the number of international students who have chosen Korea University as their study abroad destination. In the fall of 2020, we welcomed almost 13,513 students to our campus from all parts of the globe.

Here are some of the key facts on Korea University:
  • 100

    First Private University in Korea
    to enter the top100
    QS World Ranking 2016-2020

  • 16

    #1 Private University in
    Korea and #16 in QS Asian
    University Rankings 2020

Rankings of Korea University in the QS
World University Rankings
for the past 5 years
  • 100
    No. of Students
    (undergraduate and graduate)
  • 16
    No. of Int’l Students
International Students
by Academic Level