Student Counseling Service

Our counsellors can assist you to gain a clearer understanding of the problems you face and how to identify appropriate strategies so you can make the best possible decision for yourself. Although we can provide guidance, it is important to recognize that our counsellors cannot solve your problems for you.
Please visit the Student Counseling Center to make a reservation.
Website :
Tel : 02-3290-1540, 1543
Location : Central Plaza #114

One-on-One Counseling

Our counsellor will listen without judgement, offer new perspectives and work with you on strategies that are right for you. Partners, friends and family can be included in the counselling sessions if you and the counsellor agree that it will be helpful.

Group Sessions

Group sessions are also available to students who may be in the similar situation. Please click the icon to see what sessions are available.(available only in Korean)